Are you the Original BlackBerry? Let's check: D
The first step, type: * # 06 # will display a 15 digit IMEI number of your BlackBerry. Example: 316725.10.4690216. Seventh & Eighth digit IMEI number is 10. That means that BB is produced in Finland with a very good quality.
If the seventh and eighth digit is a number 02 or 20, then the BB is made in Asia with bad quality.If the seventh and eighth digit is a number 08 or 80, then the BB is made in Germany with decent quality.If the seventh and eighth digit is a number 01 or 10, BB was made in Finland with good quality.If the seventh and eighth digit is a number 03, then the BB is made di.Prancis or Canada with the best quality.If your BB does not include the one above, it means that your BB is BB false.
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